Update: Thanks to everyone who contributed, I surpassed my goal and raised $680 for the East Coast Greenway!
Dear friends and family,
Here’s your chance to donate to a good cause and put your name on a piece of real estate! Please contribute to my fundraiser for the East Coast Greenway, a non-profit organization that’s creating bike and pedestrian trails from Maine to Florida. For my local friends, check out the ECG route through Hartford the big red line on this map and follow it to New Haven CT and Providence RI, where communities are actively building more off-road bike paths.

I believe in ECG’s admirable track record. Hundreds of volunteers work to coordinate the construction of new trails to promote walking and biking. About 30 percent of their route is already firm-surface and traffic-free, and it’s growing every month. I also support their strategy of building trails into major cities to connect communities with one another. Everyone wins when we have safe places to walk and ride.

During the week of October 5th, 2014, I’ll be joining the Week A Year Tour and riding the Philadelphia-to-Virginia portion of the route with 40 other cyclists to raise awareness and funds for the East Coast Greenway. Please help me to meet my goal of raising $600 by donating via my personal FirstGiving online form. It’s simple, fast, totally secure, and tax-deductible. Plus, if you make a donation of $25 or more, you automatically receive a one-year ECG membership. (Or if you prefer, mail me a check and I’ll send it to ECG for you.)

WAIT — there’s more! For anyone who donates $30 or more, I will rename a city or state on my route in your honor, by digitally altering a photo of a sign or map to personalize and post it on your FaceBook page and/or my blog. Act now to claim valuable territories in your name. Think of the possibilities!
If you want me to rename some real estate for you (or someone you love!), add a comment on my online donation form, or send me an email. Thanks for your support!